#2 EST Floattech: »We are now talking about capacities of up to 10 MWh«

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The application of battery technology is depending on the operational profiles, sizes and types of vessels, says Klindt’s colleague Marc Mühlenbeck. »Right now, we have hybrid and full electric solutions used mainly in ferries, inland passenger vessels and workboats. We are talking battery capacities from 100kWh to 1MWh.

In ocean going vessels battery capacity is still an issue for longer distances. Additionally, weight of the battery packs that would be a problem for a ship’s stability. Right now, for ocean going vessels going further than 100 or 200 miles, there are no solutions for full electric propulsion. But there are different application cases for peak shaving and hotel load for large cargo vessels. »We are now also talking to companies operating cruise vessels and mega yachts about capacities of up to 10 MWh,« says Mühlenbeck.

Is there »electric hope« for longer range shipping at all? Josefin Klindt points to the different battery chemistries used. Lithium NMC is currently the one providing the highest energy density. »Today there are already ferries sailing fully electric for eight hours. In the future this might change with other chemistries that scientists are working on. For the future, maybe solid state batteries could triple today’s energy density,« she says.

Batteries need to be charged in port but there still is a lack of infrastructure when it come to shore power, while the EU and national governments support the development of shore power. »Where does the power come from? We think it makes a lot of sense to couple renewable energy production and shore power development,« says Mühlenbeck. »Therefore we need more infrastructure investments and ship owners, cities and ports need to cooperate much more in the future.«

EST Floattech is focusing on co-operations with system integrators and engine manufacturers while, at the same time, promoting standardization of charging systems among the grid companies. »The vessels need charging infrastructure so we are pushing that as well,« says Klindt.

The company presents its new Octopus high power energy system at SMM and Mühlenbeck is looking forward to fruitful discussions at the fair. Maybe a new cooperation will be the outcome …

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